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· Contact
Email mail@minnameier.com
Twitter Doctor Funfrock
Work Mediadesign Hochschule München
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· Publications
- Term. and Div. are undecidable under a Maximum Progress Multi-step Semantics for LinCa. ICTAC 2006: 65-79
- Local and global deadlock-detection in cp.-based systems are NP-hard. Inf. Process. Lett. 103[3]: 105-111
- A PTime Checkable Sufficient Condition for DL-Freedom of cp.-Based Systems. SOFSEM [1] 2007: 888-899
- Deriving Complexity Results for Interaction Systems from 1-Safe Petri Nets. SOFSEM 2008: 352-363
- Everything Is PSPACE-Complete in Interaction Systems. ICTAC 2008: 216-227
- Resource Bounded Frequency Computations with Three Errors. COCOON 2008: 72-81
- Liveness in Interaction Systems. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 215: 57-74 [2008]
- Cross-Checking – Enh. Over-Appr. of the Reachable Global State Space of CP-Based Systems. RP 2009: 189-202
- Resource Bounded Frequency Computations with Three Errors. Algorithmica 56[3]: 342-363
- PhD: Interaction in Concurrent Systems.
· Vita
1999 - 2004 / Diploma Computer Science, University of Stuttgart
Focus on distributed AI, robotics, theory of non-linear dynamic systems, graph theory, complexity theory, cryptography
2004 - 2010 / PhD Computer Science, Research Associate at University of Mannheim
Research in Concurrent Systems & Complexity Theory, supervision of diploma- and bachelor theses.
Lectures in algorithms & data structures, model-checking, computer theory, logic, discrete mathematics.
2010 - 2013 / AI & Gameplay Programmer, Coreplay GmbH Munich
Programming of real-time and turn-based AI, hex-grid generation from navigation data, graph-algorithms...
2013 - now / Self employed developer, Munich
Programming apps, games and websites
2014 - now / Professor for game development at Mediadesign Hochschule, Munich
See Teaching