Wow. I finally submitted Knard for review on itunesconnect. Current status: 'Waiting for review.' According to this statistics Knard should have been reviewed two days ago. I suspect that Apple changing the requirements for newly-submitted Apps to include a 64 bit version created a little onrush, so it might take longer than the average 8 days.
Anyway I am really happy to reach this 'milestone' and while Knard is idly sitting on his tree waiting for review I am not: Over the past view days I have contacted a lot of different blogs and websites that discuss and recommend apps for children and to my absolute delight received quite a lot of positive answers. Many nice people want to try the App, most are reacting very positive and some even promised already to publish articles or app-tipps that mention Knard.
Submitting an App to itunes is quite a pain, after recording a video with fraps, I used virtualdub to resize it to four different resolutions, converted each of them to mov and when trying to upload them I was finally told I needed OSX 10.10 to upload a video.
Where they kidding me? Am I kidding you? Sadly, no! Why they wanted me to download several gigabytes to update the operating system just to upload a video is beyond me. Luckily, other people seemed to be as unwilling as I was to follow the laws of the crazy king (Apple) and I found this exquisite hint for a very short and smooth workaround that I am happy to share with you:
Just turn developer mode on in Safari and tell it that it's running on OSX 10.10 and everything works out fine.
Oh, and just minutes after writing this, my app is now in review. HEY APPLE I KNOW YOU ARE READING THIS!!